who we are

About Our Website

Welcome to HomeFixDubai.com, a platform dedicated to empowering new and aspiring home improvement writers! We believe everyone has a story to tell, and we’re passionate about providing a platform to share your expertise and knowledge with our audience of homeowners and DIY enthusiasts.

What We Do


  • HomeFixDubai.com is a one-stop shop for all things home improvement. We provide informative and engaging content on a wide range of topics, from plumbing and electrical repairs to interior design and gardening tips.
  • Our target audience is anyone interested in improving their living space, whether they’re seasoned DIYers or complete beginners.
  • What sets us apart is our commitment to fostering a collaborative community of home improvement enthusiasts. We offer guest blogging opportunities to new authors, providing a platform to showcase their knowledge and reach a wider audience.



Our Story

Here you can add a personal story about the creation of HomeFixDubai.com and your passion for any category and empowering new writers.

Our Mission

Our mission at HomeFixDubai.com is to empower homeowners and DIY enthusiasts with the knowledge and confidence to tackle any home improvement project.

Our Values

We believe in the importance of sharing information, fostering a collaborative community, and providing a platform for new voices to be heard.


New York, United States